ADS Extensions (6/31)

Day 6 and I’ve arrived in Belgium for SQL Saturday tomorrow. I’m wondering the stupidly now of saying or doing 31 blog posts on ADS, a talk at SQL Saturday Belgium and SQL Saturday Iceland in March and the Organising and speaking at the Manchester DataPlatform User group next Wednesday and Leeds DataPlatform UG next Thursday. Anyway I digress, today’s post is an introduction to one of the cool ADS features:-


To quote Spiderman’s uncle “with great power comes great responsibility”, Azure Data Studio Extensions offer great power from the vanilla ADS and start making it a useful tool over SSMS or using with SSMS. There will be several blog posts covering extensions as there are a lot of them and they add much-needed productivity.

Extensions are VSIX files that can be either downloaded and installed by clicking on the ellipsis (three dots) and selecting Install from VSIX and some can be installed directly from within ADS.

01 Extensions instllation

The search extension box can show various elements using @ symbol to show the various options

02 Search extensions

The built-in themes you can’t amend (we’ll you can change the setting but there are easier ways) For example you can edit the Theme setting.

03 builtin themes

I’ll expand on Extensions in future posts

I’m in a hotel in Mechelen finishing this off , thinking I probably should get more prepared and also thinking why do Belgium’s make beer that’s 9%. Tomorrow is SQL Saturday Belgium ;).

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